Tag Archives: CCA RPG

(Make us) Make your own Comic!

(Make us) Make your own Comic!

Updated on Mar 19 2005
posted by Ash Rigo

Update – Mar 22: Geez people! Try and tell me when I make a bad link to a contest page ><. Oh and BTW, it’s fixed.

I’m sure you recently have looked at the weekly comic button and realized it hasn’t been touched in a while. Well there’s a reason for that. In the next week or two it will be taken down and replaced with monthly contest buttons. It will list the details of our new monthly contest and an archive of all entries and winning comics from the previous month. Pretty cool, huh?

Now onto the details of this comic contest, pretty much the forum thread in the message board says it pretty well but if you want the official page take a look at this link for the official lowdown. To be honest, I’m not really in the loop in this contest bit since David contacts Gilgamesh so if you have any questions on any ambiguous rules or questions, direct them to Gilgamesh.

While the official contest page is still without some zest in it, it’s all I’ll putting up for right now until we get a couple entries so we can redo the format so we can post all the entries strait onto the contest page, similar to the previous fan art contest we had for the CCA RPG (and YES, all the scripting is done for the demo, we just need to iron out some “he said/she said” details that got overlooked before we do a bit of testing).

Everyone here at the CCA is very giddy about seeing what everyone else can cook up, I mean it’s not every day you can get your own comic made for you by a professional like David Bircham is it? We’re gonna be spreading the word as much as we can and encourage everyone who comes to the page to also tell anyone who might be interested. Hopefully this will mean great things for the CCA and Kikouken.com in the near future.

-Ash Rigo

Return of the King

Return of the King

Updated on Jan 19 2005
posted by Gilgamesh

Hello, boys and girls. It’s your old pal Gilgamesh here with a very special announcement: I’ve decided to start releasing my comics in weekly segments. As much as it was sweating over every little detail to ensure the highest quality, what it translated to was months without any sign of life from me. So now, I script my comics in advance and just do my best to stick to it.

This means that every Saturday you can come visit my current project and find something new. I generally try to get these done for Friday night but I’ll say Saturday just to be safe. Anyway, my goal is release a new page’s worth of comic material every week for the entire year. I already have two segments from Millenia Vs Kingdom Hearts Chapter 2 ready. In the future I’ll probably work out some fancier, more convenient, and more professional-looking system for this, but right now just suck it up and go see the comic yourself. The second chapter of this comic should take me about into February, at which point I’ll set the stage for the third and final chapter before moving on to another project: Chun-Li Aya & Tifa Vs Final Fantasy X-2.

And yes, I am also working on the CCA RPG. The demo will be ready for beta testing shortly. You heard right, I’m sick of keeping this thing to myself.

Back in the saddle

Back in the saddle…

Updated on Sept 7 2004
posted by Ash Rigo

This week’s strip brought to you none other than the CCA’s own Violent Dave! Taking a good jab and good old capcom for their latest cut and paste sprite fighter game. If you’re reading this on the 7th then most likley I’m currently driving over to Best Buy to pick up a REAL 2d fighter game: Guilty Gear X2 #reloaded. While I’m not currently subscribing to Xbox live I sure as hell plan to when I get enough money (i.e. can find a part time job now that I’m back in college).

Blowing the dust off the PS2 version I found great comfort that I was able to kick all my roommates’ asses but lead to the fact that they’ll never want to play the game again. hehe oops!

While on the subject of college you might all be wondering why did Gil update the site last week and why I’m stalling on the weekly update. Well to make a long story short, I didn’t have proper internet connection for the first 3 weeks of school which ended this last week. For anybody who has emailed me I’m VERY sorry that I haven’t replied but there was nothing I could have done about it. I’ll try to email ya back asap.

Lastly I’d like to point out that the CCA RPG demo is coming to a close. Last thing I really need to do is put in the temporary CMS and send it back and we’ll pretty much have everything ready to rock. Sometime this month you should expect to see the demo out. We’re trying VERY hard to bring it to you and I’ll tell you that the hilarity that is the demo is just the tip of the iceburg! Stay patient please!

-Ash Rigo

Substitute Genius

Substitute Genius

Updated on Aug 27 2004
posted by Gilgamesh

Hey gang, Gilgamesh here, filling in for Ash Rigo. I’ve uploaded this week’s comic. And, since I have the floor here, I reckon I’ll be making a couple of announcements. The first announcement is that Millenia Vs Kingdom Hearts Part 2 is right around the corner and will hopefully be ready soon as well. The second announcement is that a playable demo of the CCA RPG WILL be ready by the end of September. My aim is before the weekend of the 17th, but just to be safe, I won’t promise anything until the end of the month, at which point, come hell or hgh water, I WILL be providing everyone with a taste of what’s been consuming so much of my comic-writing energy the last couple years. This demo will not, unfortunately, contain the Custom Battle System because Ash is still working on it, so we’re going to temporarily be using the default system, but I’ll do my best to make sure it’s still plenty of good fun.
